Recent article on MCNMG in the MerryMeeting Adult Education Newsletter:
Thank you for the recent article in the MerryMeeting Adult Education Newsletter:

Helping New Mainers Throughout the Midcoast Region

The Midcoast New Mainers Group works tirelessly to help asylum seekers and other new Mainers in the midcoast area get connected to our community and the resources they need. They are a non-profit organization that is fully run by volunteers. They have no paid employees.
For Merrymeeting Adult Education, the Midcoast New Mainers Group has been a HUGE blessing in helping our English Language Learner (ELL) students with their academic needs! They have provided transportation for a large number of our students to meet with us for intake paperwork, CASAS testing, and college and career advising. Plus, they have financially paid for a lot of our ELL students to have their high school diplomas and college transcripts from their home countries officially translated into English and evaluated by SMCC or UMA.
We have also referred a number of ELL students to the Midcoast New Mainers Group who were new to the Brunswick/Topsham/Bath area and needed help getting connected to the community in various ways (i.e. finding a job, finding a doctor, getting a library card, getting connected with the food pantry, getting transportation help, getting their kids in the public school system, etc.). Plus, the Midcoast New Mainers Group has referred a number of new Mainers to us for our ELL classes.
“I would like to thank you all for your welcoming me in this Community! I am very happy to have had such a wonderful experience with all the volunteers, your kind support helped me improve myself and encourage me to seek for better things to my life. Your kindness services, your attention, and the energy you all demonstrated to us New Mainers is an example to learn with. The Mid Coast New Mainers Group are always ready to help anyone in any situation. It is a pleasure to be part of Brunswick community. I am so grateful for your hospitality. Thank you for everything!” -Djiny Takila, New Mainer
A BIG thank you to MCNMG for their dedication & support! -Merrymeeting Staff
*Portions written by Paul Elisha, Academic Counselor. To donate to MCNMG, CLICK HERE