Nate: A Community Portrait

The Communications Committee is starting a series of community portraits, with the aim to build connections across our growing community of Old Mainers, Young Mainers, New Mainers and anyone else residing in the Mid-Coast area of Maine.
The fourth portrait is of Nate Bowditch. Please leave a reaction to the story, say hi, ask a question, share your favorite food, or anything in between.
Nate lives in Topsham, is a member of MCNMG, and spent eight years on the African Continent (Ghana, Liberia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia)–working on projects for the United Nations, United States Agency for International Development, a Maine based non-profit, Healthy Learners, and as a Fulbright Research Scholar.
His favorite month is September, since it’s warm and sunny during the day and cool at night for sleeping. He also mentioned how the leaves changing colors in the fall are so incredible to watch. Fall is also a preferred time for Nate to enjoy Maine’s woods and waters since most tourists have returned home by September. One of his favorite places in Maine is Kennebago Lake, where his family has a cabin and Nate goes fishing. As a true Mainer, Nate’s favorite food is lobster.
What puts a smile on his face? Nate really enjoys seeing New Mainers get their first jobs. He had such rewarding personal experiences on the African continent and feels that he owes much of that to local people helping him get settled and reach opportunities. So, it brings him a lot of joy to do the same for New Mainers arriving here in Maine.